Hello Friends & Family!

Today July 16, 2015 was the first day of our CAP Project at Ministerio de la Familia. This organization helps homeless adults and children get off the street. At first it was difficult because we had to get everything organized, such as buying the supplies, but by the end we did great. It’s all about communication and working together. We painted the rooms, swept the floor, fixed the ceiling and designed pictures for the walls. Everything was a success and I felt Jose and I did a great job as leaders of the day.

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On the first day of our CAP Project we struggled at the start, everything was disorganized, but as the day progressed people began to work together and efficiently. Everyone at the Ministerio de la familia was not only working hard they were also having fun in the process. Ideas from past projects have been successful. Our project is basically making a classroom more welcoming than it used to be, so in order to do that, we have to paint and sand some of the desks. Not only is that part of our project, we also had to help out the elderly.  To do this, we had an idea to create an area where they can relax, and sitting on benches and at a table that we built. Overall, the ideas that we as a group created were sound, possible, reasonable, and we had great fun during the process.

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