Hola Friends and Family, hope you all are having a wonderful day.

Today us Glimpsers had “The Best Day of Our Lives” BEACH DAY!!! And we had a wonderful time. We were planning on waking up at 8:30 but we pushed it up to 7:30 to get an extra hour of time at the beach. When getting to the beach around 10:00 am, we started off with the quote of our day to give everyone a reminder of what important lesson to learn today:

“You were not born to center your entire existence on work and labor. You were born to heal, to grow, to be of service to yourself and community, to practice, to experiment, to create, to have space, to dream, and to connect.”

This quote had such an impact on the Glimpsers as this beach day everyone allowed themselves to be THEMSELVES, and everyone connected as if we were a big ol’ family. We left the beach around 3:30 pm to head back to the hotel to freshen up and continue on with the rest of our day. At 5 pm we had our final reflection which was a very touching and by far the most emotional part of this trip. There were tears, smiles, laughs, and giggles. This definitely made everyone appreciate their time here. At 7 pm, everyone dressed up and went to Las Tablas BBQ for dinner and we had hamburgers and fried chicken. We all joked around, took pictures, and listened to a live band that was playing at the BBQ spot. We headed back to the hotel around 8 pm so the Leaders Stanaia and Xavier to finish up with the Nightly Meeting.

At the nightly meeting, we went over the daily agenda, brief summary of the day, and announcements. We gave up to 3 volunteers to say what their roses and thorns were, and to sum it up most roses were enjoying their time at the beach and the thorns were the sunburns. After we finished Rose & Thorn, we had our Big Love activity where everyone got a piece of paper put their name on it, and passed it around the room for everyone to anonymously give them love and things that they liked about each other. At this time, it was getting late and we were getting ready to wrap everything up so the leaders passed on their torch to the next and we finished our day on that note. I hope you all enjoyed having a moment inside our time in Panama, we appreciate all your love and support!

Hope you all have a great day! ¡Adios!