NI HAO and HOLAA to the families and friends!!

This is Emely and Ava, the leaders of the day for CAP DAY #3 here with today’s daily blog. As usual, we started off with a 7 am wake-up call. this was difficult for us because We are both soft-spoken. None the less we persevered. We waited and tried again at 7:30 am. After waking everybody up, we had breakfast, ham, cheese, toast, cereal, and fresh guava, pear, and grape juice. We even had yummy hot chocolate, one con leche, and one sin leche. 🙂

Right away we headed to the CAP work site (Los Higos) and got there around 9:20 am. After arriving we went straight to work and finished the house we were working on the previous day. After completing the flooring for the second house, we moved locations to the third and final home of the project. We traveled home (La Salle), earlier than usual. For lunch, we had salad, white beans with rice, meatballs, tostones, and fried eggplant. It was very enjoyable and gave us the energy we needed to finish the second half of our workday.

Back at the CAP site, we continued on working: mixing the cement, filling up the wheelbarrow with sand, adding water and forming an assembly line to pass the buckets of cement. In addition to our hard work, we shared love and laughs (jajaja) with the kids of Los Higos. Los niños ran around tickling one another and us, playing tag, and making bracelets as gifts. It was muy divertida. While working thunder suddenly rumbled through the sky and quickly turned into a thunderstorm. At first, we thought that we couldn’t continue working, but the rain did not deter us. Both groups pitched in and continued working in the pouring rain, singing songs and dancing to keep our spirits up. We adapted and gathered as a whole. Once we finished our last batch of cement it was time for our despedida. We said our last goodbye to the local community. It was bittersweet and we hope to see you again soon, someday. ❤️❤️

We headed back home to la Salle and had dinner, which included, salad, spaghetti (alfredo sauce and tomato sauce), sweet plantains, garlic bread, and white rice. This was honestly the highlight of my day. (Ava)

(Emely) We finished the day feeling accomplished since we completed the CAP project. Working through the rain was stressful at first but everyone was able to pull through and unite as a whole group which was very nice to see. Being LDD was not my favorite part of the trip. Having to manage and be in charge of a group is definitely a lot of work, but being LDD was definitely a new learning opportunity that I will value forever.

(Ava) I had a different perspective on being LDD. My takeaway is to gradually become more a leader than a follower. Even when the morning was tough, I enjoyed that I got the opportunity to learn the responsibilities and importance of this role as a leader. Today, I felt like I was able to grow as an individual, and this experience really helped me to bring out my inner leadership. I feel like I’ve been hiding this side of me for years and I hope to take on more leadership roles moving forward in the future.


P.S. (Ava): miss you mom and dad –> please comment more!!