glimpsers stencling the most sustainable CAP project of 30 DR delegations- as said by the representative of Fundacep

glimpsers stencling the most sustainable CAP project of 30 DR delegations- as said by the representative of Fundacep

As my second go around as leader, I faced obstacles and overcame many milestones.  To start off the day I had the task of waking up 18 weary teenagers and 2 exhausted leaders up from rest. However, my persistent banging on doors and ranting was just enough to get everyone up and on the bus in time. While also waking up every other guest that stays at Hotel D”Angel. With breakfast in everyone’s stomach we made our way to Sabaneta, while vibeing to the rhymes of some of our favorite Musicians.

Putting the Glimpsers to work today was different than any other day before. For once, there was no complaining, tantrums, drama, or moping, everyone knew what they were there for and did it. As leader I seen everyone working together as a well-oiled machine, Glimpsers were friendly listened and most importantly had fun. Using the Glimpsers as my chess pieces to put in the right job to fit their attributes was a personal pleasure to me also.

In taking a step back to observe, I’ve seen that the Glimpsers and Sabaneta community blended together like red and blue creating a perfect purple. With that I traveled with Global Glimpse leader Ms. Erin Marie and fellow Glimpsers, Neron and Camron, to observe wildlife. We’ve seen a mother Pig and her seven offspring resting in the grass. While taking pictures, we came to the conclusion that the people and animals hear are truly happy and even questioned or presence their. As I watched everyone finished up, this felt like a slide show. As we moved so quickly, I found myself running around asking the same repetitive question, “Do you need any help?’’. The job was finished early, and I was happy to see a lot of access Glimpsers sitting in the shade relaxing.

In Conclusion, while being the leader I realized that I can lead, I can unite people together and lift spirits up. The ride back to the hotel was a well-deserved time of rest for many including myself. Sleeping to the sound of the bus engine I found happiness and enjoyment in everyone that helped in the Sabaneta effort. With many congratulations from GG leaders and Glimpsers alike, I took a self-deserved pat on the back, a shower, and nap for the rest of the day.