Helloo, this is Norma and Diana y fuimos los lideres del dia! Hoy el grupo se desperto a las 7AM y tuvimos un desayuno rapido que incluye una ensalada de fruta, yogurt y cereal. Despues todos nosotros nos subimos a un autobus. En donde nos derejimos hacia construcion de la casa y la construcion de el piso. Los estudiantes se dividieron entre 2 grupos: las paredes y otros en el piso. Ambos grupos trabajaron 6 horas completas. Estuvimos en el Monte Coca desde las 9:45 hasta las 5:40. Algunos recuerdos que hicimos mientras estuvimos en el Monte Coca  fue que almorzamos todos juntos y pudimos platicar con otros estudiantes sobre como les fue el primer dia que trabajamos en la construcion de los hogar de las familias. El grupo que trabajo con los pisos empezaron a bailar con los ninos que estaban en su area de trabajo y trabajaron bien duro. En el grupo de la paredes, los estudiantes trabajaron al lado de Kelvin, otro Kelvin, y Mickey. Todos los estudiantes se esfuerzaron mucho en la construcion y manana seguiremos entre los dias 6/27-6/29. Desenos suerte en los siguientes dias!

Heloo, this is Norma and Diana and today was our turn to lead! Today, the group woke up at 7am and had a quick breakfast that consisted of yogurt, fruit, and cereal. We then got on the bus and headed to the construction site of the houses. We presented to Don Roberto, who is in charge of the organization Servicios Local Iglesias Dominicana at the batey at Monte Coco.  We told him about our plan and then divided ourselves into 2 groups: the wall group and the floor group.

The house team worked worked on building house #17 for a family.  We did multiple things to help make this happen such as, mixing cement, carrying cinder blocks, cutting rebar, making columns, and digging holes.  The house group worked alongside Kelvin, other Kelvin, and Mickey, who were also working on the house and helping guide us.

The floor team worked on making cement, placing the cement into buckets, the filled buckets were emptied out to create floors for the houseThe group that worked on floors worked hard and even had a chance to dance with the kids from the community.

Both groups worked for 6 hours total. We were in the Monte Coca community from 9:45 until 5:40. Some of the memories we made today included lunch where we all enjoyed some delicious food and talked about how our day and the work we’ve made has gone.  All the students worked extremely hard on the construction and tomorrow we will continue to work just as hard. Please wish us luck on the upcoming 2 days we still have left to work.

Norma y Diana <3