Hello everyone! GGLS here sharing about what we did on our first day of activities! We woke up bright and early, had breakfast, and headed on our safari bus to the fire station of Jarabacoa where we were able to learn about how the bomberos (firefighters) live in the station. They also gave us a tour of their rescue truck! We then took a short walk to explore downtown and see the local shops and parks.

Secondly, we had the opportunity to go to Bohios Campo Añil where we met Eunice. She taught us all about the way coffee, casave (yuca), and chocolate were processed in the 1940s. Consequently, we ran into a pool during our tour that some glimpsers accidentally fell into. Eunice was so inspirational and shared so many wise words and advice for our glimpsers to reflect on for the days to come. We ended the visit with a feast of amazing traditional Dominican dishes for lunch! Best Food Yet!

Once we got home, we danced off lunch with a dance class that introduced us to the rhythms of bachata, merengue, and salsa!

Ending the night off back at La Salle playing some games, and preparing for what tomorrow will bring!

Talk Soon!

Jason and Mayra