Hey everyone, I hope after reading this post you’ll get a “glimpse” into our day. As a group, we started off the day by getting ready to travel to an amazing school called Cecaini. Cecaini was founded in 2000 by a pastor and his wife to give Constanza children an opportunity to have an education. What this school does is amazing and the program coordinator goes above and beyond for her students. The program coordinator name was Eufemia, who started off by cleaning schools and also taking care of children. Many of her co workers and fellow peers told her that she would not be able to make it in education. While those comments were being said, it motivated her to strive for her goal, to help children. After just one year of teaching, she became the head education program coordinator at Cecaini. She is willing to take time out of her day to find children who missed school to see if they are okay or to get them back into school. Eufemia dedication does not compare to the love that she gives to the children and the opportunity of an education. The children bright smiles and love always makes the group fall in love with the global glimpse program each time. With that being said, the children at the school were so energetic and excited to meet us! The group played cards, basketball, soccer and face painted and those activities made the children melt. It was such an amazing experience to meet and see the school! Furthermore, after another amazing lunch, the group headed out to meet some workers who work at a dump site. We heard some amazing and heart ranching stories that really made some observations come into perspective. Not everyday are we able to see the struggles and challenges that many families and individuals face on a daily basis. By seeing the working conditions and even living conditions that some face, many of us saw the reality that life is and the challenges of not  having the  same privilege and opportunity like many people do. After that experience, we came back to the hotel and headed to English tutoring. Today was a little bit different. Each class is making up a talent for the whole class. However, our whole grouped decide to make one big talent for every class. I Won’t spoil it but its going to be amazing! Thank you for reading the blog tonight and I hope it gave everyone an insight on what we did today as if you were here!😉😉😉