With Blanca Rosa from the Special Needs School

The group at Modesto Armijo before shadowing a high school student

Overall the group had an excellent day learning about the special needs school in Leoneith Blanca Rosas and shadowing high school students at Modesto Arimijo High School. Learning about education in Nicaragua allowed us to identify numerous similarities and differences between the educational system between the United States and Nicaragua.

During our daily meeting, we had the opportunity to discuss our CAP project. We hope to help the Chavaladas by repainting their classroom and outside murals. Also, we plan on fixing their fence in their eating area. Within the classroom we would like to add cubbies, clean the white boards, repair broken parts of their furniture as well creating new designs for the alphabet. We divided into different groups in order to be able to present our project on Saturday; groups such as design, marketing, organizations, materials and budgeting. At the moment, our project proposals are not approved because there is still a lot more that we have to plan, ask and take in to consideration as a group and the people from Chavaladas. We are super excited!

Blanca Rosa, which was the guest speaker, talked to us about the Special Needs School that she works with. She explained the story of how the school began, their donors, the students, and what their purpose was. Because some of her special needs students are deaf, she was also able to teach us Nicaraguan sign language. A couple of the students learned how to spell their name and learned how to sign phrases like mama, papa, abuelito, abuelita, gracias, bienvenidos a Nicaragua, te amo, perdon and disculpa as well as many more.

To get to Modesto Armijo High School we for the first time in Nicaragua used public transportation. We had to make sure we got on the bus fast, held on tight because drivers in general driver really fast, made sure that we did not stay behind and that we got off the bus fast because the bus driver could have decided not weight for the entire group to get off. Luckily, no one was left behind and everyone was safe. When we got to the school, we first had a speech from the principal. Then, we separated into two groups and had a tour of the entire school. Once the tour was over, we separated into seven groups and in each of the groups there was one high school student. Each group had the opportunity to ask questions to the high school student to get to know them better and vice versa. After that was done, we all played a huge game of Ninja and volleyball with the high school students were included in their activity as well.

Once we said our goodbye’s, we once again took public transportation back to the hostel to get ready for English tutoring. We went to English tutoring, taught our students the lessons that we prepared for them, and then we went back to hostel to have our nightly meeting and free time.

Being the leaders of the day today pushed us out of our comfort zone, challenged us, and gave us more responsibility in order to learn how to be a leader. We are looking forward to the rest of the trip and hope we enjoy it as much as we are now. We hope everyone back at home is safe and doing great. We miss you all, do not miss us too much (lol)!


Yours Truly,

LDD’s Flor and Marysol