Its show time! We woke up today bright and early at 6:00 AM knowing that, for better or worse, the CAP project was going to be finished today . Needless to say, being leader of the day seemed a daunting task. But before we tackled the CAP project, we walked over to buffet Estelí for our daily fuel of Gallo pinto and plantains before gathering our supplies and heading out to Robledal. After picking up some welders and enduring the bumpy bus ride, we arrived at Robledal, groggy, but ready to tackle the final day of CAP.P1000111 At the onset, the task seemed monumental: there was chain link to connect, a gate to build, doors to connect, and a mural to paint, and we had all of four hours to pull it off. But, fear not, because four hours later, we had done it. With a little help from the welding crew, our tireless squad of civil engineers accomplished almost everything we had set out to accomplish, and successfully completed a fence(with a snazzy gate, I may add), a mural, a chalkboard, putting doors on bathrooms, and providing the preschool with a myriad of school P1000112supplies, including chalk, tables, chairs, and paper. Oh, and some of us donated our work gloves to the people of Robledal so they could, you guessed it, play baseball! But I digress. After our hard work, we had a little celebration with the locals that helped us on this project, playing party games like pin the tail on the donkey and tag. Our project manager, Nicholas, also gave a heartwarming speech to the people that were there to express our gratitude for their help and support throughout these past three days. We then left Robledal, returning for a quick shower, and some reflection over the CAP project we had just completed. Afterwards, we were afforded some free time, mostly spent shopping for souvenirs as our trip comes to a close. P1000155We then went to enjoy our victory dinner at a café down the road, where we were served a choice of beef, chicken or pork. Rafay and I then relinquished leadership to Sarah as the day came to a close. Well, that about sums up our day, and here I am, signing off with a bittersweet feeling as our wonderful trip nears its end. Good evening to all, and stay tuned for the final blog post tomorrow!