Hi guys! This is Sabrina Mohamed Rafi (yes, I know, a two word last name) from Fremont, California.

1. Fun Fact– a) I’ve had my fair share of traveling ever since I was a child. I was born in Malaysia, raised in Japan, moved to Miami, Florida, lived in California for most of my life (in San Jose), and visited Singapore and Thailand.

b) I actually love public speaking. Whether it be speech or debate, I enjoy the feeling of adrenaline and being in front of judges and large audiences.

2. Most excited–

I’ve given speeches to my school about the power of community service and how we can change the world, but I’m excited to put that inspiration to the test. I want to learn about Nicaraguan culture while making a difference in someone’s life. I’m so excited to meet new people, from our trip group as well as the people in the Nicaraguan community, too. 🙂

3. Most nervous/worried

I think I’m most nervous about the food! It’s going to be so different from anything I’ve ever had before. Considering fish is the only type of meat I can eat there and I don’t think there’ll be much of it, I’ll be snacking on my protein bars. 😉