Alea and I wanted to take some time to check in and tell all of you how amazing it has been to have your students here with us. We have made so many memories and had so much fun, especially the out takes for the Father’s Day video (hope you all enjoyed it). We are constantly busy and even though as teachers we should have a strong immune system, Alea and I have both gotten bit and sick from dehydration and an infected bug bite (Alea is still a champ and much better). I wanted to apologize for the lack of daily blog posts it was that week that my body shut down. I am the only one that brought my computer/IPad and Internet is not lightning fast. We are also having 12 hour days, so we are all very tired at the end of the day. Please be patient with us and our blogs, sometimes by the time we are done the students are ready to sleep. I will post on Sunday with flight info/times.

Here we go families! Your babies will be coming home soon!