Today we were given a glimpse of how people in poverty live their everyday lives. Reparto Tomas Borges is a community that was founded by people who had nowhere to live, so with the help of the government, they took the land and established what it is today. We traveled to the community where we were welcomed into the homes of founding members and locals. Glimpsers were split into groups to meet different families. While spending time with each family, we learned about their daily struggles and what they went through to build the community. Struggles consisted of accessing clean water, taking care of siblings, showering with a limited amount of water, etc. These people live on less than $2 a day and have limited room in their houses that are made out of tin and scrap metal. Even though these families don’t have much to provide, they still opened their homes and hearts to all of us. All of the children in the community were very outgoing and genuinely appreciated the glimpsers that played with them. It was very clear that every person in the community was very grateful for everything they have worked for and didn’t hesitate to lend a helping hand to a neighbor, friend, or family member. We also bonded over a meal from Imabite and the children had endless laughter and smiles while hitting the piñata. This experience provided us all with a sense of gratitude for all of the opportunities we are provided.