
Hello Everyone! 🙂

Today allowed for the minds of the Global Glimpsers to experience a new reality challenge filled with intensive labor. We woke up at 4 am and arrived at a farm called La Canavalia by 6am. Although it was an early morning, all the Global Glimpsers were energized and motivated to help on the farm. We split up into four groups, where groups one and three focused on fertilizing the cocoa plants, group two focused on work in the nursery, and group four focused on removing weeds from a fruit tree field.


I had fun participating in groups one and three. We carried heavy bags of fertilizer for a mile down a very steep and rocky hill, and jumped over a stream to get to our destination. We received a lot of help from many of the farmers, especially a farmer named Carmelo. For three hours, we worked on the field, fertilizing the cocoa plants, while many of us tripped and struggled to carry the heavy bags. Although it was a challenge for all groups, we strove to help the workers. After the three hour work day, we ate a delicious local Nicaraguan soup with chicken and pork, and traveled back to the Matagalpa.

As a reward for our hard work, we had free time during the afternoon, where many of us took the time drop off our laundry or shop at the local supermarket. Our last activity of the day was preparing for our English tutoring tomorrow.

Having spent the day in a local worker’s shoes, I experienced the reality of labor intensive work that many people face daily. Today’s challenge allowed me to open my eyes and realize that the work that many local individuals here in Nicaragua do is challenging, and I truly respect the effort and commitment that each Nicaraguan like Carmelo face everyday.

