
After a relatively late 7:45 breakfast, we had a seminar to prepare us for education day tomorrow. Then, we switched the topic back to the topic of the day; politics. Through out the day we had two speakers, speak  about the history of Nicaraguan politics. The first speaker was a historian by the name of Ramon Pineda, a former teacher who retired a few years back. Mr. Pineda spoke about his connection and history with Nicaraguan politics. He also spoke about the history of wars that have occurred in the attempt of peace in Nicaragua.  The students later on asked Mr. Pineda questions about how he felt about the politics in Nicaragua. One student asked a very important question, what advice would you give the youth of the world? He responded by saying that the most important thing the should have for the world is respect, respect for the environment, for each other, your parents and most importantly your self.

Later on, we all went to lunch where we enjoyed our Nicaraguan food and conversed with one another. After lunch, we had some free time before our next activity so we all went to the park and enjoyed some time to relax before going to the country club to speak  with the former vice mayor of Jinotega, the second speaker of the day. He spoke to us about his life and how he struggled throughout his life because of the wars that went on in Nicaragua. He told us stories about his position during the war and how his views changed throughout the time. When were finished at the country club, we had about an hour of free time. Some of us worked on the cap project and others went out to enjoy the time. After free time, we all went to dinner. After the dinner we went to our English tutoring classes, where we teach the locals English. At 8 when the class was over, we arrived safely to the hostel and we had the nightly meeting where we discussed what we did today. After the nightly meeting we had a self-reflection session in our groups of 4. After the self-reflection we had about an hour of free time until it was time to go to bed at 10:20.