Hello everyone sorry that theree was not a blog post last night. We confused the log in information, so it got posted on the wrong page. But wait no longer, we are BACK!

Another day in paradise. Pouring rain and fun in the mud what more could you ask for? The day started with the earliest wake up call so far… 4am… Luckily we had time for a quick little nap on the bus on our way to the Bastilla Ecolodge technical school. We ended up splitting the group in half where a group stayed on the lower half of the mountain while the rest continued up higher. The lower group did a lot of work on the farm taking care of the chickens, milking the cows, and fixing up some cheese. Higher up on the mountain Glimpsers were working on the farm at the technical school. We got to clean up the carrot garden, water the tomatoes, and inspect the bell peppers. After working with the crops for a while we got to move over and work with the pigs. They told us to clean the pig pens to the best of our abilities which was if I may say, pretty difficult. It wasn’t a good day to be working in running shoes, unless of course you plan on throwing them out.


After working at the technical school we got to play soccer with some of the students. A lot of them were really into soccer and enjoyed the opportunity to destroy us at the sport. After an intense match, we ate some lunch. We mingled in with a number of the students trying to translate between English and Spanish. After finishing lunch, the entire group of Glimpsers started up for the top of the mountain. The hike was really steep but short and once you got to the top it was all worth it. An absolutely breathtaking view awaited us after our journey. Green trees everywhere with fog mysteriously passing over the mountain in an eerie way. We got to tour around the hotel at the top seeing the different views that people could see if they stayed here. After spending some time at the hotel, we began our long journey back home to the hostel. Although the journey may be challenging it has been definitely worth it.


When we returned to the hostel we got into our business casual after a quick meeting and got ready for dinner and later tutoring. English tutoring is interesting as it always is, it seems that by the day we keep losing people though, but I know nothing about that. After tutoring we headed again back to the hostel for final meetings and then finally night noodles.


Goodnight from Jinotega and I’ll see you soon

Justin Reno