Hola padres de los Glimpsers. Hello parents of the Glimpsers. Our name’s are Nicholas and Joshua and we where LDD for the day. Today we experienced  the lifestyle of how it was to live like a local and it was mind changing and hard work. We learned how to  take the husk of the coffee bean with a pilon, milked goats and we also pet them. Today was an experience not to be forgotten, because I have learned how to be a better leader by being confident and make sure you’re heard. I learned that I love baby goats.

Thank you Nick for that interesting point of view. Well today was, as Nick said, an unforgettable experience. Well I just want to say that as a child raised differently than the children raised in Nicaragua this trip has opened my eyes to a whole new world. All the ways farmers used all sustainable methods of agriculture and the fact that they didn’t need any means of technology in order to fend for themselves.Today most of us where able to do activities that where unthinkable at one point, such as milking cows or goats, carrying bags of hay for the consumption of the goats.This was the proudest moment of the day. Inspiring moments come at random moments of once life. The most inspiring person we met has to be Don Pablo due to the fact that he runs a self sustaining ranch in which he makes a living for himself and for his family. All in all as a youth we must find ways in which we can improve ourselves.