
Aye yo what’s up our fans its us Minnie and Karen reporting for duty. The pair leaders of the day for living like a local! The day started with a 6:30 am wakeup call for our 7:30 breakfast, which was hot chocolate and bread. After breakfast we headed to the community, Maguana de Medio, where we split into our host families and lived how they do. For example, we swept, moped, washed dishes, did laundry, made beds, and picked fruits to name a few. After that we went to their local river and spent some time dipping our feet in and skipping rocks. This period of time was such a memorable experience because we got an opportunity to connect and empathize with our host families.

For lunch we enjoyed a big feast with our whole community that consisted of rice and beans. During this time our delegation bonded with many of the local kids like brothers and sisters and before leaving the open-armed community, we presented the host families with certifications of great appreciation and gratitude on behalf of all the delegations that had contributed to their community.

Immediately after leaving our host families our free time officially began! All of us enjoyed this time with ambassadors and exploring the city. Some of us went souvenir shopping and got ice cream, while others got coffee and hung out at our amazing ambassador Vickys house. The boys got the juice lol.

Around 5 pm we all started our English tutoring  classes. I (Minnie) taught the intermediate (ages 8-15) class. For class we focused on grammar and vocabulary by playing games, doing activities, taking notes, and more. My class has been amazing bunch of students that me and my fellow co-teacher, Caroline, love dearly.

My (Karen) class, also known as the sweetest class, (ages 8-12) had a great lesson which included activities like I spy and “my favorites”. My students had surprisingly improved a lot in just over a session. I felt like I genuinely helped the kids which made me feel accomplished and proud, especially since I tutored them myself.

Then we came back for dinner which was viveres and eggs and it was very delicious. We ended the long and tiring day with our nightly meeting and a self reflection. During our nightly meeting we both felt deeply supported by our fellow Glimpsers and leaders which we can definitely call familia.

P.S Hi mom and dad (Karen’s parents) I miss you and Alexis and everyone back home 🙁 I love you guys!

HI BESTFRAAAND IMY LOTS and I can’t wait to tell you the amazing experience I am having here in the Dominican Republic!!

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