Hey everyone!
My name is Shania Merida, and I am a student at Andrew P. Hill High School in San Jose. I know I’m practically posting this less than an hour before we all meet, but I wanted to make sure to post this anyway haha.

Just a little bit about me, I love to play volleyball, hang out with my dog, and taking part in some clubs at my school. Some of the clubs include Interact (a volunteering club), ARK (acts of random kindness, which is self explanatory), and ASB (associated student body.) I love being in ASB especially because I am a part of my senior board as class treasurer.

My summer so far has been packed with school. I took part in a CNA (certified nursing assistant) program at Mission College (in Santa Clara.) I was able to go to a skilled nursing facility three times a week, and work with elderly residents hands on. It was definitely a life changing experience getting to do this because it was so humbling. Actually, the program just ended Thursday, so yesterday.

I’m really looking forward to what this trip has in store, it’s been over eight years since I’ve traveled out of the country so I’m super excited. I can’t wait to meet everyone in the delegation, and hopefully we all have a good time together.