Hey friends and families,

This is Xavier and David, the leaders of the day for DAY 5. Today was a day to cherish, the group had the opportunity to travel to Escuela de Sordos Mudos, a school for deaf kids, where we learned Spanish sign language (SSL). The group then met and conducted interviews with very friendly and beautiful families. Families that we will have the opportunity to help very soon through our CAP (community action project). These amazing families welcomed us with love and open arms. We quite literally did not want to let them go as we had to head back to our accommodation for the day.

As we learned more about Escuela de Sordos Mudos, we uncovered fascinating facts. To start, we played “rules,” a game that consists of two players attempting to guess the pattern/rule that the opposing group chose. WE WON. Escuela de Sordos Mudos takes age groups ranging from 6-13 years old and currently has 7 students. They’re working on a program that aims to provide a high school for kids who are coming of age. Also, the group got to see the three different spaces that create the school.

After visiting Escuela de Sordos Mudos, the group got to conduct an interview with families from a community that we will help through the CAP. We got to interact and understand the different aspects of their community and who the people are. We will make concrete floors for the families that we got to meet. Two of the three houses were close, so we got to see them today and we will visit the last house very soon. Seeing these houses allowed the group to think about how different families live, and how we will be able to help them. The kids were very energetic and bubbly, bringing smiles to the entire group. We very quickly built a very loving bond with the kids, and they also taught us a different kind of way to whistle. Very hard to explain, so the sweet little girl who was doing the impressive whistle told us to take our hands out, as she guided every single one of us in hopes for us to be able to whistle just like her. This was an amazing experience for all of use and we cannot wait to see them again.

Xavier and David.

P.S. (Xavier): I called you and you did not answer.

P.S.(David): Hi guys.