We can’t believe the time is almost here. Before anything, we would like to express how excited we are to meet all of you this summer. We, your Program Coordinators, have spent the last three amazing months in Riobamba planning a dynamic 14-day itinerary. We have forged so many amazing connections with the people and organizations here and we are ready to show you what “Ciudad de las Primicias” is all about!
So, I am sure you are wondering: who are we?
Paco Romero here! I am a graphic designer who really enjoys photography, 3D art and many other expressions of art (music, illustration). For more than 6 years I have been teaching English in private institutions and universities in the city of Riobamba. Aside from that, I worked with KOICA, a Korean agency as an interpreter.
I worked with Global Glimpse in 2018 and 2019. In 2020 I left for Malta to study English and finally achieved one of my most yearned for dreams: to live in Europe. Sadly because of the pandemic I could not stay for the time I wanted. In 2021, I started a master’s degree in teaching English as a foreign language and now, I find myself excited to be back with Global Glimpse enjoying my time in Ecuador doing a job that I really enjoy! Can’t wait to see you here in my country.
Ignacio Peralta, I am 29 years old and from a small island called Corinto in Nicaragua. I like to travel and I have a special interest in knowing more about Latin America, its culture, traditions, and the amazing places that take our breath away. As a social worker, my dream has always been to work with community members to promote social justice, education, and our environment. If we dare to pursue our dreams, we can achieve them. Global Glimpse has become a part of my personal goals. It has given me the chance to work with people who also want to make the world a better place, promote critical thinking, and call the people to action.
So Glimpsers, now that you know who we are, it’s only fair that we get to meet you. LET THE COUNTDOWN BEGIN!. We hope this experience will challenge you, excite you, and moreover that it inspires you to make changes in your community and the world. See you in Riobamba!
Your PCs,
Ignacio Peralta and Paco Romero