Hello families and friends,

We were the Leaders of the Day for Global and Local Business. We had an amazing day today that was filled with adventure!

First thing in the morning we went on a hike to a coffee plantation, Aquiares. It was a little tiring, we learned many things about the coffee grown here in Costa Rica. We even got to try an unprocessed coffee bean, it was sweet and bitter! Later in the day, we traveled to Finca de Florita, a beautiful farm, that had gorgeous cows. These cows produced artisan Turrialba cheese. We experienced what it was like to work on the farm from milking cows to making cheese and learning how it affected the ecosystem.

To be a leader was challenging, we must admit.  It put a lot of pressure on our shoulders getting 21 kids out the door at 7:00 AM was an experience. We learned how to find the balance between being respected as leaders, and still remain peers.  Overall, it was an enriching learning experience and furthered our bond with each other.

We now pass down our crowns to the next Liders del Dia (Leaders of the Day) Emily, Hector, Isabella, Kaitlyn!

We wish them the best-

Alex Christie and Kayonni “KK” Castro