Making Guaranda Our Home Together

  We’ve made it to Guaranda! After a midnight landing and stay in Quito, we traveled the day on windy roads past the beautiful Chimborazo mountain to our new home. The students marveled at the scenery around them and after arriving got acquainted with the...

GU1B Arrived!!

Greetings from Quito everyone! This is Margarita and Marco here writing to say that the Guaranda 1B delegation arrived safely – all 17 Glimpsers and our 2 incredible Global Glimpse Leaders. Everyone was pretty tired after their long journey, but everyone was also in...

Hi there GU1B!

Hello there! This is Marco and Margarita (Program Coordinators Team GU1). With the trip getting closer we are very excited about your visit to our site in Ecuador this summer and wanted to say hi and give some helpful tips and information so that you are better...