Poverty Day

Today’s theme was Poverty Day. We started off with another wonderful breakfast at Cafe Del Tren followed by the mental warm up that focused on Poverty in Ecuador. After that students traveled to Casa de la Mujer where we learned about the organization. Case de...

Living like a Local

In the United States, we lead drastically different lives than we would if we lived in rural Ecuador. Specifically, in the community of El Molino right near Guamote, one of the poorest cities in Ecuador. Today, as part of our second Reality Challenge, we ‘Lived...

Sunday Fun Day!

Hello everyone! We started off our Sunday Fun Day with breakfast at Cafe del Tren before heading off to Pailon del Diablo, a beautiful waterfall a few hours from where we’re staying in Riobamba. On the way there, we had breathtaking views of the mountains and...

Aid and Development

Greetings from Riobamba! Our focus of today’s activities was on aid and how that can affect the countries who both receive the aid and grant it. We started out our morning with a good debate on whether or not foreign aid should be granted.  There were many...

Politics Day

Hello all! As seen by today’s post’s title, we learned about the political background of Ecuador. We had several discussions and listened to four speakers from the Political School in Unach and friends. We also had several hours of free time to relax and...