We received this email from Olga Perez, whose son traveled to Constanza in June 2015. We’re so thankful that we get to work with such incredible students, parents, teachers, and communities! Our programs wouldn’t be possible without our amazing group of supporters. Included with the text are photos from the Constanza delegation’s student blogs!
We wish to thank you and your staff for this wonderful opportunity that you offered our son, Alan Perez (and to rest of SSF High School as well!). On the one time that we spoke to Alan during his trip, you could hear it in his voice that he was having such a great time.
With his hectic academic schedule, sports, band and school/community obligations, we thought that he needed a break. We constantly tell him to slow down and that the world cannot be fixed in one day! However, knowing that Global Glimpse is so inspiring in such world/global causes, what better choice than to choose this trip, in which not only would he get to experience a different culture, but an educational one as well. He had opportunity to learn leadership and life skills, help community, and most of all tutor students. And no reason not to make friends and enjoy some delicious food and dancing along the way! He met some amazing people and loved the Dominican culture and its people. It also made him aware of the importance of speaking his native Spanish and of course, there was a constant reminder not to take things we take for granted here in U.S.
“With his hectic academic schedule, sports, band and school/community obligations, we thought that he needed a break […] what better choice than to choose this trip, in which not only would he get to experience a different culture, but an educational one as well.”
This program had a tremendous impact on him and I’m sure on others as well. As we tell our children, since we love and eat different foods, why not embrace and love their people and culture as well? And what better way than to appreciate their culture in their own country! Global Glimpse offers opportunities that we could not have ever offered our son. We thank you and everyone for making this program possible. Lessons learned on this trip will be forever lasting, as well as our gratitude.
Thank you!
Olga Perez