Heyyyy families! It’s Amber, Samia, and Maria the leaders of the day for July 25th. Today was the first day of CAP Day. We started the day with breakfast at 7:45 AM. We left at 8:30 AM on the guagua to head over to Monte Coca. As soon as we got there we presented our CAP steps to Don Roberto, a local community leader. After that, we split into our CAP groups and went our separate ways to help build 2 loving homes for the community. In our group we made cement which was challenging because it was something new to us however we persevered through the day. The steps of building the house consisted of making an assembly line to carry the cement buckets to and from the house which we gave to the workers so they could use the cement to plaster the walls and the floors. With the heat, it was extremely challenging since the sun was hitting down on us and it would get extremely sweaty at times our energy would be drained due to the heat and working. We took a lunch break at 12:00 PM and we ate rice mixed with chicken and veggies with some beans, potato salad, and fruits which I (Samia) really enjoyed. And the other I (Amber) thoroughly enjoyed the lunch and definitely went for seconds ;P. At 4 we came back to the Villa and had some writing time. We ended the day with a recap and BIG praises towards us and the rest of the group for being SUCH great leaders.

Shout out to my mom and dad, I love you guys. And shout out to my sister who is traveling to Ghana – Amber

BIG LOVE to my family for reading the blogs, I miss you guys and can’t wait to see you again. And happy birthday Tia Frances!! (mom pls tell her) – Samia

Shout to my family, I love you guys ! <3 – Maria