“Development consists of the removal of various types of unfreedoms and leave people with little choice and little opportunity of excercising their reasoned agency. The removal of substantial unfreedoms, it is argued here, is constitutive of development.” -Amartya Sen

Today we officially started off the first day of the CAP project. This quote connects to how the kids in Barrilete do not have the same freedoms as we do. To break the barrier, we engaged ourselves in, and took action, helping those in need. Our project was to build tables for the kids, because some kids have to eat on floors due to limited resources.

We began our day by buying our supplies from the market. The groups split up based on people who were doing the construction work and people who were designing the work. The management and money teams split up with the two groups to help purchase the supplies and keep everything organized. The design team went to go buy paint, decide what colors we needed, the size and number of paint brushes we needed, some trays, paint thinner, and varnish. The construction team went to a hardware store and purchased four sheets of plywood, four bags of cement, nine 2x4s, and five 4X4s. The construction team then worked together, carrying all the supplies from the hardware store to the bus by hand in a continuous rotation.

After we got all the supplies on the bus, we headed off to Barrilete. Once we got to Barrilete, we helped bring all the supplies inside, and the kids greeted us with hugs and smiles. As much as our energy was drained from getting all the supplies, the kids instantly brought smiles on all of our faces. The construction team started building the table and marking lengths, cutting the legs out for the table, sanding parts of the table, and began drilling. The other teams spent the day playing with all the kids, and the day ended full of laughter and joy.