Holaaaa! Parents and friends! Today was our official first Community Action Project Day! We started our day with a big breakfast of banana pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fruit! 🙂 After that we walked down to the local school and got straight to work! We started by sweeping debris then mixing concrete together and laying it down. After a few hours of teamwork, we headed to lunch, had a little free time then got back to work laying down a new floor. We ended the day with a big game of tag, and a nice swim in the pool (we even made cupcakes at the end of the day). Today we learned a lot about working together and stepping out of our comfort zones to help others. We all can’t wait to work harder than we did today on CAP day 2 and keep making a sustainable difference in this community!! On a side note, we very much enjoyed leading the group today! It was an experience neither of us will forget and we learned so much. We appreciate Global Glimpse for this opportunity and can’t wait to become stronger leaders in the future!!!

P.S- We miss you guys and we will be home before you know it!!

you can access more photos of our trip through this google pics link!