CAP Day 1 – Community Action Project

Today’s leaders of the day were Hannah and Jude

We started off the day bright and early at 7:30am to kick off our Community Action Project. Our CAP included completing a previous delegations ramp and creating a garden that students could use as an outdoor learning space. After our breakfast at Roma Santa, we headed to Carlos Garbay, an educational centre, where our project took place.

Our main task today was finishing the ramp, which included gardening, mixing cement, and a lot of hard work under the sun. However, with the help of a couple locals and school staff, we were able to make a large dent in the ramp project. We were relieved by our amazing Isabel, who brought a much needed lunch to Carlos Garbay for us. After a brief break, we wrapped up our work for the day and headed back to the hotel.

As a reward for our hard work, we were granted two hours of free time, in which people spent showering, napping, and exploring the city. We came back together to prep for our nightly English tutoring.

Overall, English tutoring was a success as many of us made new friends and connections within our classrooms. Introducing new games and changing our archetype of a classroom really improved both our own and our students’ enjoyment of exploring the English language.

We returned to Roma Santa for yet another delicious meal, then returning to the hotel to all relax from the busy day, glad to end the day on a high note.


Big love, Hannah and Jude