Hello to all the lovely readers!

Today, the group woke up at an early 6:00 am and had a delicious breakfast at 7:00 am. Our breakfast today was pancakes, scrambled eggs, and mixed fruit. After breakfast, we departed to head to the school to continue our CAP project. We left to go to a local school to garden/plant & repaint the school. So far, the CAP project has really pushed the group to step outside our comfort zones and push us to get things done.

The gardening group had to shovel in the sun while also lifting and moving heavy rocks.

The painting group was dealing with the harsh weather while painting fences and school walls. Though thereĀ“s one more day left of CAP and we have not finished everything yet, our group did a really great job at committing to their work.

The group also does a great job of balancing work and fun. Though the members are a bit tired, during breaks we still found time to play volleyball, basketball, soccer, and tag. The kids at the school were very energetic, competitive, and fun to play with. Though the games made us lose some energy, the kids still pumped us to keep going and be more productive once our break was over.

We had a yummy spaghetti lunch then got back to work. We left around 4:00 pm to walk back to the base house and decompress. Some swam in the pool while others rested a little before dinner. For din din, we had burgers and chips and ended the day with our nightly meeting.