Hey, fam, only two days left and we are feeling immaculate!!

So, here we go, to start our day we ate some exquisite sandwiches that consisted of ham, cheese, lettuce, ketchup, and mayonnaise. We wrapped up our meal by playing a quick game of speed and headed over to the worksite. We settled in, had a quick sip of water, and got to work. As leaders we deligated crews to make sure individuals were staying hydrated, being physically aware, and maintaining a positive mindset.

Everyone on the morning shift played an integral part in the final product. The community members laid bricks and set rebar, the boys mixed concrete, and I (Alondra) refused to hand over shovels unless they proved their dedication to their hydration. Throughout our work process, we met a few children from the community, but two particulars stood out to us. Riley who kept the mood upbeat with fun dances and silly questions while little Parkins followed us around everywhere playing hand games and trying to help with anything he could get his hands on. After our three-hour shift, we headed back to Dilenia’s for our delicious lunch.

We chowed down on rice with puerro, salad, and chicken tenders that everyone loved. It was a quick turnaround as we headed back toΒ Las flores. Upon arrival, everyone was thrilled to finally be able to complete the project that had taken us three grueling days of work. We began by relocating the dirt and placing it where it wouldn’t disturb any individuals in the community. Once again by working as an equipo we shared some good laughs while also being able to successfully accomplish our task. We gathered around and introduced one of our most beloved activities, BIG LOVE!! πŸ™‚ Each respective person came forward and shared some words of appreciation for the work that had been done in the community. We finished of our project by imprinting our names on the cement and headed back to our wonderful hotel Dilenia’s.

However, on our way back one of our incredible program coordinators, JC, bought us some delicious ice cream!! yum! We returned, took some much-needed showers, rested, and played games. Later, we lead the first EVER student lead self-reflection–which by the way went spectacularly πŸ˜‰

After, we had some much-needed free time and as soon as the clock hit 7:00 pm we bolted to go eat dinner. For our last dinner at Dilenia’s, we ate some pasta carbonara, garlic bread, and salad. Our night came to an end with the nightly meeting. We shared some of our core moments of today’s events in the meeting. Then it was time for us to pass the leadership role to Brenda and Kayla, who showed us their incredible dance routine.

Thank you for such an amazing day signing out,

Alondra and Anthony