DSC03625Good Evening,

So today was the final day of our CAP project, which involved a lot of touching up, and a final mural that was to be presented to the school. We started out around 9 am, and we set out to finishing the final touches on the interiors of the classroom. Some people started on the mural others helped clean up the school. It took a lot of hard work and  labor but after  a long day, our goals were accomplished and we were done with the cap project.

The school we painted was an elementary middle and high school. We painted 5 classrooms total and they were all gorgeous. When finished we spoke with the director of the school and she loved it. She said we brought life back to the school and that the kids would love our work. Also, to spice things up a couple of the glimpsers decided to have a paint fight when the work was done to celebrate; so don’t be surprised if yousee any green or yellow faces!!

For dinner we had some eggs and we loved it! Right after that we took off for English tutoring. As usual, things went gracefully and the students left with more knowledge than before. Finally we wrapped up the day with some self reflecting and a funny movie. 3 more days left, can’t wait to see you guys!!!

Good night, peace out

from Jinotega