¡Hola familia y amigos!
Today was CAP delivery day 3, so some glimpsers jumped right into our CAP project in the Batey community in Monte Coca. We as a group tackled different tasks; some mixed cement, some cleaned up the area picking up wood and rocky debris, some further bonded with the local children and construction workers. While we worked we were able to listen and dance to music, specifically popular Haitian music known as, ”Kompa.” Afterward, we broke out for lunch and ate another delicious meal: Moro, chicken, watermelon, and papaya juice. We were able to sit down and give our appreciation to Don Roberto, a respected leader of the organization of Servicio Social de Iglesias. As a group, we appreciated the dedication of work that he puts into his community through advocating to improve their quality of life and future generations’ access to education. Finally, we were able to finish our CAP project, where we spent the next 2 hours further working with the construction workers on the final detailing in the house. The whole experience was very eye-opening and beautiful, just knowing we were able to help a family by making a meaningful impact on both their and our lives. Tomorrow we look forward to attending the grand opening of Junior and Heidy’s new home!
Once we returned home we were able to reunite with our fellow glimpsers who were resting and bonding at home. We did a self-reflection workshop in small groups and ended the night with another lovely dinner and nightly meeting where we got to hand the torch to the next Leaders of the Day.
With Big Love,
Veronica, Yiselle, and Ari