Hello families and friends!

Our day kicked off bright and early at 7:00 a.m. with a round of knocks on everyone’s doors. Soon after everyone woke up, our breakfast was revealed to us. We were presented with two options of pancakes (Chocolate, and normal) accompanied with eggs, butter rolls, and fruits (yum!). Shortly after this delicious meal, we began giving our gratitude to local community leader Carman Acta through a heartfelt thank you letter. Upon completion of our thank yous, we began boarding the bus one by one preparing for our second day of work on our CAP project. Unfortunately, the bus never got to depart as we discovered that a handful of our kids were sick with COVID-19.

Despite the unfortunate news, we kept our heads up as we got to enjoy a free day around our casa. Some glimpsers spent time tossing around a frisbee, and playing billiards, some of us drank coconut water from our local security guard, or even swam in the pool. Although things seemed bleak, as the covid “positive” group was separated from the “negative” covid groups, everyone kept their spirits high. Looking around, we were greeted with smiles and laughter. This energy followed through the day as we enjoyed another delicious meal made by our kitchen staff. For lunch, we were given white rice, beans, tender chicken, and fresh avocados. As the afternoon continued so did the positive vibes. Finally came dinner where we ate while enjoying the song “Vamos a la playa” on repeat. Some of our group danced as they ate and even had some of the Global Glimpse leaders join in on the fun. Overall, this may have been a difficult day however, our amazing group kept their heads up and persevered. 


Your trip leaders Ahmed, Ijeoma and Maddie.