We woke up bright and early, and behind the morning grouchiness was excitement to finish our project. After a delicious breakfast of a Carmen-approved sandwich and papaya, we set off to continue our CAP project. We had a rough start with some of our Glimpsers out sick, a late arrival, and a slow focus when getting back into the flow of things. But soon enough, things picked up and our group began to focus on what mattered most: our mural. A few hours of focused collaboration later, we saw how much progress we had made and split up groups to repaint additional parts of the courtyard. It would be close, but with enough effort, we set out to repaint the bleachers. Adrenaline was high with extra paint being needed to complete our tasks, but with everyone clicking so well together, and our minds on our goal, and of course, a bit of painting with the hands, we completed our CAP and more. As Líders del Día, we couldn’t be more proud of everyone. Biggest love y’all! The moral of the story is that a good playlist gets stuff done.