Today was our First CAP day Wohhhooo!!!!!

I woke up super early to wake up the rest of the crew to get ready for our Big Day! Some of the crew went to see the Warehouse at Los Pepitos to make sure what we had to do to make this the best Project. We ate an amazing Desayuno (Breakfast), which was Pan con café, it was delicious. Then before we left Breakfast we did a short Energizer. Afterwards we went back to Hotel Kiuras and divided into groups to buy our supplies for our big Project.One group went to buy the supplies the other made the phone calls for more volunteers to participate in our big project. We all met back at the Hotel with supplies set to go. We went to lunch in which we ate chicken, rice , and potatoes, thank you Cathy and Don Julio! We were then ready to work! We went back Home to pick up our supplies and headed to Los Pepitos to start our first day of our project.

When we arrived we were so blown away of how many volunteers there was. We worked super duper hard, all dirty but we had fun with the kids from Los Pepitos who enjoyed helping us. At 4:00 we headed back home and took the best shower ever!!!! Finally we had dinner where we had amazing conversations about our first CAP day. Dinner was over and came back home and did our last energizer which had a special meaningabout teamwork, friendship, and family. We then had our daily Nightly Meeting where I passed the Torch to the amazing Anya. CAP day #1 CHECK!!! MORE TOMORROW!