Day 6 – Deconstructing Poverty & Aid and Development Day

Marelin – Today we learned about deconstructing poverty & aid and development. We had first-hand experience with children, specifically, kid street workers. We were able to follow the kids around and experience their everyday work life. The group was especially astonished by the work ethic and commitment of the kids.
Additionally, we presented our community projects to the Utopia organization. As Lider Del Dia, I was extremely satisfied with the commitment and enthusiasm of the group. I was able to successfully lead the day with the emotional and moral support from one of my GG leaders, Jennifer.
Since we got all dressed up for our presentation, our leaders took us out for a nice dinner after English tutoring. We went to a restaurant named Frida and had some amazing Mexican food.
Overall, the group was able to experience the work day of kids and successfully present their projects. We all look forward to completing the projects and carrying on with the remainder of the trip.

Enrique – In the morning we met the kids from “Manitas Trabajadoras” at Parque Maldonado. There, we got an insight on the program that gave support (such as food and schools supplies) to children from varying ages that worked on the street to help support their families. These children work 8-6 every day to shine shoes for about fifty cents. This experience was eye-opening to me as I learned to appreciate what I had. These kids have so much on their plate, yet still manage to move forward and pursue their goals. It made a major impact on me and encouraged me to be more aware and considerate of things happening around me.