Recent posts from: JA1B Jarabacoa 7-1-2019

Day 9 – Immigration

Today was immigration day and for me, it was a day in which I faced a very important and needed trail in my life. As leader of the day, I needed to be on top of things since the start of the day, in order to make sure everyone would know what was expected and what was...

Day 8 – Fun Adventure Day

Adventure Day… Today was one of the best days of this trip. Though everyday of this trip is life changing, today was extra special for all of us. Filled with adventure, us Glimpsers took a hike to a waterfall, spent the afternoon at a pool, and explored the...

Day 7 – Aid And Development

Every day, we waste products, ones that could be valuable to others but we don’t give it much thought when throwing it away. We aren’t sustainable. Today, we learned that the number one foreign aid organization, USAID cause more problems than it solves....

Day 6 – Living Like A Local

On the night before living like a local, we were without running water or electricity to learn how locals in the Dominican Republic community live. This meant spending the night using a candle and/or flashlights to get around. We wanted to try it because not everyone...

Day 5 – Free Day #1

Today it was my day to be leader of the day or “Lider Del Dia”. At first, I was very nervous and wasn’t excited about having to step out of my comfort zone, but after watching my peers who had already been leader, and who had gotten partners, it...

Day 4 – Working Like A Local/Global Business

Today has been our earliest day of our trip yet with starting by waking up at 5:30am and heading out to Inverdadero Los Ramirez. Our destination consisted of a beautiful coffee plantation where a few locals worked at for the U.S. equivalent of 6 dollars per day (with...

Day 3 – Culture Day

Today was culture day, so all of us traveled to Los Bohios and we all got to see the more traditional side of the Dominican culture. On our way our bus driver Jesus (DJ) played some really good songs and all of us were just jamming to it! While at Los Bohios we were...