Recent posts from: Trip Blogs 2023


A beautiful and relaxing day for our Glimpsers, today we focused specifically on Aid and Development in Constanza! After a fulfilling breakfast, Glimpsers had the privilege to meet Bernardo, the founder of Alegria Inocente, a non-profit organization that focuses on...

History and Culture!

Hello Global Glimpse family and friends! This is Christian and Jamie, your GGLs, here with an exciting update! We are finishing day 2 here in Beautiful Costa Rica. The sheer amount of birds, bugs, and plants is incredible. Today’s theme was History and Culture....

2023 Trip Blogs

JA1A-BAY: Jarabacoa 6-2-2023 RB1A-BAY: Riobamba 6-5-2023 T1A-BAY: Turrialba 6-6-2023 JA2A-BAY: Jarabacoa 6-7-2023 C1A-CHI: Constanza 6-9-2023 RB2A-CHI: Riobamba 6-12-2023 T2A-BAY: Turrialba 6-12-2023 RB3A-BAY: Riobamba 6-15-2023 O1A-CHI: Orosi 6-16-2023...


Hey everyone, My name is David Marine and today I woke up at 6:30AM as always to wake up all the boys in my room so we can shower and get ready. Then, at 7:45 I proceeded to make sure to wake up the girls, (8:00AM was wake up time). Then I had everyone at the table at...

Day 13 – Final Reflection

As Day 13 comes to end, we have finally made it to the end of our trip in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. Today we started off with a 7am wake up call and then had breakfast at 8am. We then went on a journey throughout town and went to 2 souvenir shops then to Melaza...

Environmental Conservation

Hey family and friends, Today was a pretty chill and relaxed day, starting with a smooth wake up and an amazing breakfast by the one and only Diego. After breakfast we decided to head to the mini-mart which is just a regular bodega but to us it was so much more than...

Day 12 – CAP Day 3

Day 12 completed. We’ve completed our work on the aquaduct! We started our day with the wake up call at 7am and then breakfast at 8am. After that, we went to the community of Hatillo and began working at 9am and then stopped at 11am to back to the ranch for...