home“Im coming home.Coming home tell the world that I’m coming home.”

HELLLOOOOO FROM AMERICA!!As you all know your babies are finally home safe and in one piece…. well kinda. One of our Glimpsers, me, got hurt while sand boarding down Cerro Negro but everything is fine. I have been told I sprained ankle in the coolest way possP1030831ible.

On our last day in Leon we shared laughs, we shared tears, and we shared memories.We had our last breakfast and lunch together at the Imabite Comedor in a conjoined table so that we could all have a one last “family” meal. We played music with the speakers the restaurant provided at breakfast and One Direction songs through Luis’s phone at lunch. After lunch it came time to hop on the bus and drive to the airport in P1030867Managua but never fear tears were not shed(yet). It was actually the opposite,we were either sleeping or singing along to all of our songs that we affiliated with the trip such as Billionaire, Never Forget You, Ain’t Your Mama, Hasta el Amanenecer, Salsa Tequila, and Work From Home.When we finally saw the airport most of us felt overwhelmed with the fact of “wow it’s actually time to go home”. It was hard to say goodbye to our cite manager, Noel, and program coordinator, Nancy, because we knew this would be the last day we would see them in person. They reassured us by giving us ways to stay in touch with them through social media and that we will always have them in our memories of Leon.

Our plane ride home was smooth with small turbulence because there was lightning right outside our window! There were Tvs on the plane ride and personally I watched Zootopia and Big Bang Theory then fell asleep for a few hours until finally we touch down in San Francisco. It was one in the morning when we stepped (or rolled) out of the airport gate and saw our family waiting for us. In my experience, my family was waiting for me with posters and when I saw them tears fell from my face because when in Nicaragua you learn two things, 1. enjoy the little things in life and 2.  you don’t need money or luxury items to make you happy, your family is all the happiness you need. We are enjoying our time back home with our families and to “Mommy” and “Daddy” back in Leon:

I will never forget you
You’ll always be by my side
From the day that I met you
I knew that I would love you ’til the day I die
And I will never want much more
And in my heart I will always be sure
I will never forget you
And you will always be by my side ’til the day I die

Enjoy the rest of your summer Glimpsers Leon 1 familia!
