Hello Glimpsers’ loved ones!

As leaders – David, Justin, and Ricardo – we ensured all glimpsers woke up at 6:00 am for community day. At 7:00 am we gathered at the dining area for breakfast: Eggs with tomatoes, fruit, and bread. The guagua picked us up at 8:30 am where our driver – Kelvin – ended his shift and handed us to Diogenes. We were dropped off promptly at Monte Coca where we dispersed into groups of three. Each group consisted of two Spanish speakers and one non-Spanish speaker. We made their beds, mopped, swept, and cleaned dishes; We essentially experienced a day in their life. Afterward, we gathered at the community center at 12:00pm where the entire community ate lunch.

For today’s lunch, we had chicken, rice, a side of potato salad, beans, and soda. Following this delicious meal, the glimpsers spent time with the children of the community by playing games like duck duck goose, capelina de oro, and freeze tag. We thanked Don Roberto for his work and our new driver picked us up in his guagua to get home.

At 4:00 pm we reflected on the individual experiences at Monte Coca: from here, we were able to begin the CAP – community action project – by designing the steps we’ll take this week. The glimpsers reached the conclusion that “sustainability is the key to the CAP” – Te.

Today’s 7:00 pm dinner consisted of pork, rice, fruit, fried plantains, and macaroni. We concluded with the nightly meeting where we, in customary fashion, had our daily recap, rose & thorns, plus & wishes, and passed the torch to tomorrow’s wonderful leaders. (Tune in for Natalie and Destiny’s blog tomorrow!!)

This was the end of our journey as Global Glimpse leaders.