Today we started off our morning bright and early and ate a wonderful breakfast. We started our day by going down to the beach which took a 15-minute walk. When getting to the beach we we were welcomed by the clear water and started applying sunscreen and listening to the safety instructions of our GG staff. When entering the water our fellow Glimpsers expressed how wonderful the Dominican Republic beach was compared to the LA beaches. We were soon met by local vendors who shared their stories and talents.  Some of us bought bracelets, fruits, and wood carvings.  Others entertained themselves by playing Volleyball, Soccer, and Banana Splits. After leaving the beach, we ate lunch at the home base and prepared ourselves for a long drive back to Constanza. On the bus ride, we rested and prepared our finishing touches for our CAP Proposal Presentation which we were presenting to the teachers.  Upon our return, we quickly changed into formal clothes and set up for the presentation. Our Glimpser presentation was a great success and the teachers from Escuelita Asia Maria are looking forward to us beginning the work with them tomorrow. We will be building new benches for seating, new flower beds, planting, and adding a Hopscotch to their playground. We are so excited about CAP Day!