Today, we woke up at the hotel Aloha Sol, Santiago. We had a really good breakfast and then headed on the bus to go to CONSTANZA! The view on the highway was incredible– windy road, lots of plants and mountains where the main spectacle of the road to Constanza, flourished with really beautiful and lovely people. After arriving to our home for the next 14 days, (Hotel Dilenia), we had a few seminars about culture and safety before heading to the city tour.

We saw a little bit of the town and learned more about its history. After finishing the city tour, our PC’s (program coordinators) brought popsicles to the park and we all had a really nice time eating them and chatting. By the time we came back to Dilenia’s we were all super tired but still had some tasks to do. We had a few more seminars and self-reflection and finished the day with a nightly meeting guide. Now everyone is tired and going to have some well-deserved rest.