Hi there Global Glimpsers and family,

My name is Nikki Moore and I am one of your Global Glimpse Leaders (GGLs) along with Colin. I am very excited to go on this adventure with you to Turrialba, Costa Rica , June 5th. This is my 3rd time leading a trip with Global Glimpse. I love being a part of this amazing program. I can’t wait to see you all and am looking forward to getting to know you all better. Here is a little about myself.

I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. I have been living in the bay area for about 10 years teaching high school special education. This will be my third trip with Global Glimpse but, I am no stranger to traveling. I have been to Thailand, Jamaica, and Colombia just to name a few. I am a true believer in hands-on learning and traveling to experience and learn new things. What I love to do the most while traveling is doing the fun activities the country has to offer. Other things I love include: dancing, singing, playing all kinds of games, eating, and MUSIC IS LIFE. Don’t be mad if I wake you guys up with music every day. LOL

Don’t forget your PASSPORT and I will see you all at SFO on June 5th at 6:10AM!!!

With Love,
