Today we began our CAP (Community Action Project), which is building a community center for a neighborhood called Canada de las Palmas. We started around 9:40 am in three groups making cement, making mortar, and passing water up the steep hill! For many of us, it was our first time working in construction, and we had a great day while bonding with the community. The kids came to help us and we sang happy birthday to one of them! At 12:00 pm, we came back for a hearty lunch of rice, chicken, beans, and salad. In the afternoon, we continued our work under the blazing sun until it (thankfully) became cloudy. Throughout the day, everyone pitched in and revealed their outer and inner strength during the work process!

In the evening, we all went to the store to buy snacks after the long day, and we had a very eventful nightly meeting. Fatu and Nya passed the torch to the next Leaders of the Day, Damian and Chris, and set the group up for a successful project!