Pura Vida! This morning our glimpsers were woken up by very heavy pounding on the door by yours truly but with a positive affirmation of “Good morning beautiful, the earth says hello!” Diego prepared a variety of foods for breakfast such as omelets, french toast, yogurt, and cereal, 10/10. Third times the charms, we were actually ready to go at 8:15. When we arrived at the school one group got started working on more mixing of cement. We were tasked with finishing the sidewalk we had started on day one. The other group started sanding the walls, making sure to use a mask and sunglasses so as to not get covered by the dust but in the end, their hair had become the same color as the wall.

The cement group made two types of concrete, one with rocks and one without to smooth out the top of the sidewalk. They ended up making 7 batches in total!

Reese and William and Omar put so much work and effort into putting up the final wall.

We finally finished our first sidewalk despite the efforts of the dogs, who were constantly walking in the concrete over and over again.

The glimpsers showed how much teamwork meant to them as everyone participated in starting and almost finishing a whole new sidewalk. The recipe for our cement is 9 buckets of sand, one bag of cement, two wheelbarrows of rocks, and as much water as needed to make it the right consistency. We mixed and mixed and always asked to step in if others got tired while mixing so they could hydrate and take a rest. Our wonderful cement group used their favorite tools Sandy, Samantha, and Charlotte to absolutely perfect the sidewalk.


We got some well-deserved ice cream and headed back to our casa and took some much-needed showers to wipe off all the cement we were absolutely covered in. Refueled our bodies with more delicious food from Diego and had our nightly meeting reflecting on CAP, us as a group and individually. We work very well as a team but we hold ourselves and others accountable and always make sure to drink water (but how could they not when reminded every 20 minutes).

We couldn’t be more proud of our work and how thankful we are to have each other.

Sending love back home.

Grace and Caroline<3

Also, Rowan lost once again at Rat Slap 🙁 and here’s Memo with long hair.