Greetings family and friends,

Our names are Tatum Primus and Ahnesti Morillo, and we were the Leaders of the Day for CAP Day 2. So let’s reCAP the day. As Leaders of the Day, our first responsibility was to wake our peers up at 7:00 am,  so we both woke up around 6:00 am. After waking up our peers, we had about an hour to do whatever we wanted before breakfast. We decided to go over the mental warmup that we would be introducing to and doing with the rest of the group after breakfast. Today for breakfast, we had delicious pancakes with eggs, sausage, and fruit. After everyone finished eating, it was time for us to lead the mental warmup that we had practiced earlier and it went well. Everyone participated and once everyone got the hang of it it became a really fun exercise to do with the group. Around 9:00 am we gathered all of our stuff to get ready to head down to the bus. After the swift 7-minute bus ride, we arrived at the primary school where we began painting yesterday. Yesterday we did make some great progress but today we did even better. We think it was the music so thank you to one of our Global Kids program coordinators, Rob, for bringing his speaker today. As soon as we began painting and the music started playing, we were in the zone, painting away while also rapping and singing to the tunes that Rob was playing, and before we knew it, it was lunch time.

For lunch today, the kind lady at the school made us arroz y frijoles con pollo (rice and beans with chicken) with some salad, and it definitely hit the spot. Our lunch ended at 1 pm and then we were back to work. We all worked together diligently to get through as much as we could before it was time to start cleaning up, and I think that we did a great job today. Tomorrow will certainly be an easy day for all of us because of how hard we’ve worked these past couple of days so shout out to us! We got back on the bus and began to head back to the base house at about 4 pm. Once we arrived, we had free time until dinner, which was at 6. During our free time, some of us played cards and made empanadas with Maria, and they were absolutely delish. For dinner, we had rice with chicken soup and it was great as always. After dinner, we had our nightly meeting where Ahnesti and I handed off the leader of the day title to the next leaders of the day but before we were able to do that, did our talents. Ahnesti did the Greek alphabet and I (Tatum) did a little bit of ASL for the group. All in all, today was a great and productive day. Ahnesti and I wholeheartedly enjoyed being the Liders del Dia for CAP Day 2. Stay tuned for Cap Day 3!!

Much love,

Tatum and Ahnesti