Welcome back to our blog! Today Kai and I were chosen as the leaders!
Today we woke up to the loud sounds of a shovel, at 7:30. We got ready for breakfast at 8:30. We had pancakes, eggs, yogurt, and cereal, and to drink we had passion fruit juice and watermelon juice. Then, at 9:00 we were supposed to have a mental warm up but we decided to get ready for the trip we had planned. At 9:15 we got on the bus that took us to the waterfall, in the mountains called San Antonio. We arrived at around 10 and started making our way. When we made our way to the waterfall we set up a system called the red, yellow, and green light, where we would call out red when people in the back were too far out, or yellow for people in the front to slow down, and green when we were ready to keep going. This system kept us together well, as people were slipping on the rocks while hiking. We hiked for around 30 minutes before getting to the beautiful waterfall. It took us a while to get in as the water was freezing. Eventually, people started to get in slowly, even jumping in. We stayed there for around an hour before heading back for lunch. We hiked on an inclined hill for 30 minutes. During that time we had to speed up the process as ants started to bite people’s feet. We had lunch at the location of the waterfall, and as always we had rice with a salad and chicken. We got back on the bus to head to Santa Rosa town. There we visited a thrift shop, got ice cream, and stopped at a little carnival that was going on in the center of the town. After that, we took a public bus to get back to our house. We arrived back at 5:40, and had downtime till 6:30. We had dinner at 6:30, and ate rice, salad, and soup. After eating a delicious meal we had a little break, and got ready for our nightly meeting at 7:30. Finally, after recapping the day, saying our roses and thorns we were able to pass the torch to the next leaders of the day.
Don’t forget to check out our photos and videos and comment to your loved ones! https://photos.app.goo.gl/U6VvxuNvmyM2fjC67
Hasta mañana!
Josselyn if you’re reading this, do the Spider-Man web gesture 🤍🌷
How beautiful! Isabella, no surprise that you are in the cold water! Looks like you are having a wonderful time! I am so happy for you! See you soon!! Lotsa love to you!
Que alegría ver como te estas divirtiendo mi reina hermosa Heidi pero ya te queremos aquí te extrañamos muchooooo we love you 😘
I’m so glad you guys had so much fun!!! That hike and water was no joke! can’t wait for you guys to come back!! Miss you Angie!! N the rest of the WP CREWWWW ❤️❤️