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Today was work like a local day. We woke up nice and early to get a better glimpse into what it is like to work on a farm. We drove to La Garnacha, which is an entirely organic farm, and worked with the farmers to complete and learn about their everyday tasks. We split off into two groups one of which milked the cows and the other the goats. Then we went to a look out that had a beautiful view of volcanoes. Then we got to see and participate in part of the process of how La Garnacha’s artisanal coffee is made. We crushed the dried coffee beans with wooden sticks to remove the shells and then we used the wind to separate the emptied shells from the peeled coffee beans. Our next task was helping collect grass and weeds to feed some of the farms animals. After working we went to their artisanal shop to buy gifts and a lot of coffee. Then we sat to a lunch of fried chicken and rice. After our long morning we were ready to sleep on our bus ride home. Once we were well rested we went out to shop for the final supplies we needed for the first day of our Community Action Project tomorrow. After eating a dinner of Gallo Pinto (one of our favorite dishes) we had another rewarding night of English Tutoring.

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