Hi everyone! It’s Lianny and Angie writing to you today :D.

Our day started off well. We woke up later than we did the last three days, and the weather was a bit unpredictable. There were thunderstorms and heavy rainfall, but the weather eventually cleared up, allowing us to go outside and work on our project for the day: cleaning up Toro Beach in Pedasi. Our main focus was biocultural diversity, which explores the links between biological and cultural diversity and how they impact the land and people. With this theme in mind, we cleaned the beach with the lovely Isabel and Roberto, who helped us understand the importance of keeping our beaches clean for ourselves, animals, and the ecosystem. We spent about an hour cleaning and found some rather questionable items. By the end, we had collected 28 bags of trash, each weighing approximately 30-40 pounds. Afterward, we went into the town of Pedasi and visited a cute souvenir shop to buy gifts for our loved ones. After spending about thirty minutes there, we returned to our hotel for lunch prepared by our beloved chefs Ilka and Jose.

Following lunch, we had free time, which is always enjoyable! Unfortunately, since it was Sunday, almost every shop in town was closed 🙁 . Despite that, we still had fun with our friends. Some went to the supermarket, while others bought food. After a great time, we had dinner at 6 pm, which was delicious! At 7 pm, we had our nightly meeting and passed the torch to our friends, Ani and Dalexa, so stay tuned for their blog tomorrow!

Today was a huge learning experience for me (Lianny) because I had never been in a leadership position before. I experienced some ups and downs, but that’s part of being a leader. Not everything goes smoothly, and the pressure can be intense, but it gets better.

P.S. from Lianny – Love you, Mami, Papi, Liann, and Gabi <3