Hola Familia!

This is Jasper and Mayra, the Leaders of the Day! For the first day after CAP, what was next? If you said “more environmental learning” you would be correct. We started off the day with a delicious breakfast of pancakes with jam and syrup. We then got on the bus for an hour-long bus ride to Pedasi featuring some karaoke that sounded about as good as you could expect from a group of 17-year-olds. When we arrived, we stood in the plaza and took in the environment.

Then we arrived at Tortugas Pedasi and received an enthralling presentation on the different types of turtles, their biggest threats, and, what Tortugas Pedasi is doing to help these creatures. After that, we arrived at the hotel and ate lunch, we got to experience exploring Las Tablas in groups of four for the first time. We then laid low for a couple of hours, did some swimming, played games, and relaxed in general. After that, we ate a delicious dinner of make-your-own tacos and wrapped up for the night.

  • Mayra and Jasper
